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COVID as an Initiation and my FREE Heart-Centred Guide

I am happier and healthier now than before COVID and my intuition and manifesting skills are on fire!

When my daughter first came down with COVID, I went into hyper momma bear state (carcinosin, with a dash of arsenicum), giving everyone all the remedies, doing all the ‘right’ treatments. Going into fix it mode to suppress all of the doubts and fears that were coming up around having “COVID”.

Then I came down with COVID myself and I had such a painful headache I could hardly move my eyes. I couldn’t do all the things, I couldn’t even read or watch TV to distract myself. I was forced to stop and pay attention to all of the feelings.

My husband was home but busy with back to back online meetings, leaving me once again to look after everyone on my own while also sick myself - a theme that I have done much healing on already.

Ill-health lowers your barriers generally but in particular COVID REALLY lowers your barriers, it highlights your weakest points, and IF you are listening and open and willing it can be a powerful force for healing.

The COVID energy provides us with a unique opportunity to “Ascend” - if mastered - through an initiation process to access new skills, intuitive guidance and frequencies.

The Ascension/Lightbody activation process looks like this:

1. Initiation through a challenging experience, Earth/cosmic frequency shifts, or frequency meditation activations.

2. Emotional purification process

3. Lightbody activation

4. Purification process (again!) - physical and energetic DNA shifts.

5. Embody and hold the new frequencies - actions, beliefs, technology and rituals.

This initiation experience started with having COVID, but that wasn’t BIG enough to activate a frequency shift and so my higher self also coupled it with the story of being ‘left alone to deal with it all’. The more you master the initiation process the bigger the events become.

When I had to stop and tune into all of this story I started crying and crying (pulsatilla).

Having experienced a lot of initiations and subsequent lightbody activations over the last few years, I recognised this for the opportunity it was. I dug deep, I didn’t stop at those overlying feelings of being ‘abandoned’ by my husband.

As I delved into that grief, I started inquiring on what was my responsibility in this pattern that plays out in my life? I received guidance on the ways I behave towards others when not feeling confident in myself.

My needing to present myself as the most knowledgeable or having it all together to boost my self confidence (lycopodium).

The times when I have felt defensive and have not allowed people to see my vulnerable side, my self-doubt and uncertainty (thuja).

All of this contributing to this image that I am capable and don’t need help.

And so much SHAME came up. It was painful and deep and I felt very heavily sad for a couple of weeks (aurum) as I mourned the past ways I had behaved.

And SO much HEALING has come about as a result. The deepest healing comes from accessing the most shameful parts of ourself - deep shadow work.

This shame that I was holding was restricting my ability to really LOVE myself unconditionally.

And I realised that this deep shame in myself and lack of complete self acceptance and worth has stopped me from really asking for what I want and need, from really feeling worthy of receiving everything that I desire.

On the forth day of COVID I couldn’t sleep - I experienced a lightbody activation. I could feel my nervous system shimmering as all the light came flooding into my body.

I then sat with the purification and integration process that occurred for a few weeks afterwards. My body eliminated anything that no longer resonated with the new frequency.

I had a lot of fatigue and congested sinuses and sadness, I didn’t try to push through it or panic that I was never going to recover from COVID - I knew this was a greater purification than ‘just’ COVID.

And at the end of this month-long process - I feel transformed. I feel like I have been through the phoenix death and rebirth process. I feel more powerful across my physical, mental, emotional, and metaphysical bodies.

During COVID I had very old symptoms reoccur and be healed.

A barking asthmatic cough from childhood that I had completely forgotten about (Spongia). My lungs are wheeze free for the first time since a child.

Painful eye-strain headache from my early 20’s - a lyme co-infection symptom (Onosmodium).

Night sweats and wheezing breath (Babesia).

Post-viral fatigue (Scuttelaria).

Swelling MCAS response to certain foods that I eat (Colchicum aut).

My confidence is so much stronger.

My intuition is pinging - accessing intuition is really a process of accessing self love and confidence.

My ability for compassion for others is higher because I have a deeper love for myself.

My energetic boundary is stronger.

The frequencies I am channelling are higher.

I’m attracting more soul-aligned clients who love the Ascension process as much as me.

I’ve booked into an amazing 2-week Mystery School in Ireland - I’ve been dreaming of this for years!!

I’m stepping into my ‘teacher’ qualities - I undertook the TH teachers training in Feb this year - yes, I can now teach others Transferance Healing.

And the impacts rippled out to my family too:

Our whole family is seeing gains from a Babesia clear identified during COVID.

My husband was head-hunted for a job he has been wanting for years that will mean he is more available to support us - a quantum manifesting story for another day.

My girls didn’t have PANS or POTS flares post COVID - this is HUUUGE!

We have decided to build a natural pool in our backyard for no other reason than our own joy.

And on it goes....

This is why I feel so passionately about these processes - the ability to transform your life in UNLIMITED.

I love guiding others through these ascension and light body activation processes.

Understanding this ascension process is so important for our times. These challenging times are happening to help you ascend. The Earth is ascending and we are all in an ascension process with it, whether we like it or not.

We can either shift with it or shut it down.

Achieving the frequency shifts (ascension) is a skill that needs to be mastered.

I have cultivated this “self-mastery” over years through courses and working monthly sometimes weekly with mentors.

I have well established practice to notice the strong feelings coming up and identify the initiatory ‘opportunity’ that this was.

I went deep. I journaled. I expressed my feelings in a safe way for my nervous system and others.

I gave remedies to support myself.

I performed Transferance Healing (TH) sessions on my self when I felt myself getting stuck in the emotions.

I reached out for support with remedies and neuro-chiropractic adjustments from my beautiful colleagues when I needed it.

I performed further TH sessions on myself to help my nervous system relax and accept the new frequencies coming in and to speed up the physical purification process.

Then I embodied these new frequencies with aligned actions and have reaped the benefits.

Our children’s challenges are also huge initiation opportunities for us AND for our children as well.

If we try to suppress or avoid these problems, or rely on others to take this problem away you give away the biggest ascension opportunity that your souls have co-contracted for this life - and you will keep repeating the patterns over and over again until you resolve it.

As part of my ‘Creating A lightness of Being’ course I developed a Heart-Centred Intuitive Flare Plan which sets out the steps to guide you back into your heart and intuition to make the most of these healing opportunities during challenging processes.

I feel so strongly that this information is needed that I have decided to release this “Flare Plan” to you today! You can access it by joining my email list.

And if this really resonates with you and you would like to learn more about this self-mastery ascension process then have a look at my Creating A Lightness of Being self-paced course for $250AUD ($177USD).

I recommend the Total Activation pack experience which combines the Creating Course with three 1:1 sessions with me at a discounted price of $600AUD (~$425USD). This provides you with tailored support for your personal challenges in your unique ascension journey.

Feeling called? Find further detail of my Total Activation pack here.

If you are interested but not sure if this is for you then register for my FREE Quantum Healing workshop to experience a taster of what the course is about.

As I mentioned I am now qualified to teach the TH fundamentals procedures in person. If this is something that you are drawn to please contact me to discuss this process.

Committing to anchoring TH is an initiation in itself. Over the year that I saved for my initial TH training I experienced many lightbody purifications and activations to prepare me for anchoring the 7th dimensional TH frequencies. My life has completely transformed since first undertaking that training.

I would love to hear how this resonates with you?


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