Gemmotherapy - plant stem cell therapy
What is gemmotherapy
Gemmotherapy is plant stem cell therapy. The extracts are made from the buds of the plant which has growth material for the entire plant within it as well as high-levels of nutrients. They differ from herbs because they contain the thumbprint of the ‘whole’ plant rather than just the roots or leaves etc. Research has shown that specific extracts help specific human-organs - such as the nervous system, brain, liver, kidneys - clean, restore and strengthen itself for long-term healing.
Gemmotherapy supports a healthy functioning nervous system and immune system by creating a strong emotional and physical boundary through the ability of nerves, organs and cells to balancethemselves and move emotions, toxins and pathogens through the body frequently.
Lauren Hubele’s chronic immune system dysregulation protocol
The aim of Lauren Hubele’s protocol is to correct overlooked factor in a healthy functioning nervous system and immune system - creating a strong emotional and physical boundary through the ability of nerves, organs and cells to balance itself and move emotions, toxins and pathogens through the body frequently. Once the body is given the information it needs to be able to repair itself (that’s what the gemmo extracts do), amazing healing is possible over time. It involves the following steps:
Nervous system extract(s) - calm the nervous system and emotional state and get the body in rest, repair and digest mode.
Elimination extract - support kidney, liver and intestine detox via stool and urine elimination - aiming for a well-formed stool in both the morning and the night a day and urination every 2-4 hours.
Adrenal extract - support detox by balancing the adrenals and reducing inflammation.
Once stool and urine elimination is in balance, extracts are then chosen to support other aspects of elimination such as lymphatics and circulation.
Adjust diet and exercise to support elimination - a mostly plant based gluten and dairy free diet is recommended.
What to expect gemmotherapy treatment wise
Gemmotherapy is a slow burn gentle treatment with gradual changes to cell and organ and nervous system health over a longer period of time. Complex neuropsychiatric/developmental issues like PANS/ASD/ADHD are expected to require gemmotherapy for at least 2 years.
Treatment involves taking a few drops of extract 3x a day in water/drink. The drops taste sweet with a slight herbal taste, not strong like herbal extracts and can be added to any drink.
For the full immunity protocol we would need to meet once a month for the first 3 months and touch base once a week via email for the first month as we figure out the correct extracts and dose.
Over time as the organ repairs itself a new extract may be needed to target a different organ. After the first few months you would probably need to consult with me every 2-3 months or when you feel like an extract change is needed. Alternatively, you could complete Lauren’s training so that you can take over the case management yourself.
It is recommended that you save any further treatments changes until after the gemmos are well established in order to make it easy to tell benefits/aggravations. You may keep on existing treatment.
The aim of gemmotherapy treatment is to have no aggravations and so a low and slow approach is taken. You will need to keep an eye on stool and urine quality and frequency and keep an eye out for any ‘emergency exit’ detox (eyes, ears, skins, nose, lungs etc) and any emotional or physical pain all of which are a sign that the body is detoxing too fast for the system to cope.
Monitoring change and managing potential aggravations
The nervous systems extracts at 1-drop are very very subtle and lead to gradual changes. They are very powerful acting however and for sensitive types it is best to start with half a drop every couple of day initially.
Gemmotherapy treatment requires you to closely follow how you are responding to things. It’s easier to see improvements when looking at patterns over a week(s) rather than a day, for example you may notice that you coped with something you did that same time last week a lot better this week etc.
If you don’t feel like any improvements have happened over a week then you may like to try 1 drop every day or 2 drops if you are already on 1 full drop daily. It's always best to check-in with your gemmotherapy consultant regularly when first starting gemmos.
Potential aggravations to look out for that may require lower or less frequent dosing or extract change:
- Head and lower back pain, general body aches
- Increase in drainage from emergency exits (eyes, ears, mouth, nose, vagina, anus)
- Swelling of any gland or limbs
- Exhaustion
- Heart palpitations
- Skin inflammation/rashes
- Sleep disturbances
- Stool less frequent or more difficult to pass
- Urine frequency more than every 2-hours
- Heavier more painful periods
- Increase in emotional symptoms
More about gemmotherapy and Lauren Hubele
Further resources:
Phytembryotherapy: The embryo of gemmotherapy, Ledoux and Gueniot, 2012.