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Lionsgate Portal Activation

  • 15 Steps


The Lionsgate Portal provides an opportunity to attune to the high spiritual powers of both Sirius and Orion, represented by the Goddess Isis and Osiris, to embody more diamond consciousness for lightbody integration. Remembering that we are 'beings of the stars' and reconnecting to the star gates and dimensions, and the cosmic and galactic frequency support available is an important step required for our lightbody integration. - In this Lionsgate Portal Activation we leverage the current Sirius and Orion energetic-portal to supercharge your spiritual powers. - Over 2-weeks you will be taken through the Spiritual Empowerment process and receive wisdom teachings, activations and attunements to support your ability to connect into your divine feminine power. You will receive lifetime access to the following, to attune to at a time convenient to you: July 29th: - Attunement to the Sirian and Orion star systems.- Recorded transmissions on how to navigate spiritual empowerment processes. - Recorded Energetic Protection meditation including a recorded cord cutting process BONUS: Purification frequency meditation to clear emotions from the vibrational plane and lymphatic and glandular system.  August 5th - Absentee Group Transferance Healing session to clear past-life wounding connected to using your spiritual powers and to purify your lightbody to support you to absorb more light, a August 8th: - Recorded Sirius and Orion frequency Activation - Recorded transmission on the key star systems, cosmic and galactic frequencies that support our ascension process August 12th 10:00AM AEST - Agust 11th 8pm EDT - LIVE session - LIVE 1.5 hour Zoom Lightbody integration session and transmission to answer all your questions on the Lightbody Activation and Integration process. Recording provided. The healing frequencies channelled during the sessions are transferred through my recorded voice and so you will continue to receive these when listening to the recording.

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Lionsgate Portal

Lionsgate Portal

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